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The Full Circle



Genre - Romance Thriller

“The mirage was broken. What she knew as the truth turned into a fiction to beguile her, the person she had been living with for so many years turned into someone she never knew until then”

Being a traveler, Aditya always took something from the places he visited and this somehow helped him give something to his next destination, which is now Darjeeling. His life revolves around meeting locals, exploring the world and helping people in any way possible. Aditya meets his contrast in Zinnia, who prefers stability in life, while staying as a tenant in her mother’s house. With his empathy and understanding nature, he wins the hearts of the locals. His adventurous way of living life is challenged when he develops strong feelings for Zinnia, who considers his way of life as a prolonged hobby.


While helping Jacqueline, an emotionally distraught girl, into shaping her life in a new way, he realizes he feels lost, for the first time in his life, without Zinnia. He stumbles upon a devastating secret about Zinnia’s past that will change her life completely, something he can’t let go of.


The book captures the story of a traveller named Aditya, who on his journey to finding a ‘home’, ‘home’ in the spiritual sense, becomes a part of various stories and helps people in his own way. His adventurous way of living life is challenged when he meets Zinnia, who prefers stability in life, while staying as a tenant in her mother’s house. Amidst all the happenings, he stumbles upon a devastating secret about Zinnia’s past that turns her life upside down.

The book asserts the fact that ‘home’ doesn’t necessarily has to be a place; it can be a person too. In the book, the concept of ‘home’ is shifted from the physical domain to the spiritual one. The book breaks stereotypes at many levels and questions ‘settlement’ as being related to ‘fixedness’. The book gives out the message that ‘settlement’ is a state of mind, related to contentment with one’s life and thus, should be related more to happiness than structure.


Sarthak, Smallest But Rarest

Which type of book do you want to read?
Romantic, thriller, dark, super ending, mystery, which one you want?
If you want all of this in one. Then, the book "The Full Circle&" is for you.
Hats off to the author for making such great book. It leaves you in a different zone. Every line,
every segment is important and there's no chance of getting bored.

Kreena Jain Blog

THE FULL CIRCLE by NAMRATA GUPTA is a very interesting book and every finishing page made
me want to read more and more. The plot was brilliant with a pinch of the law of Karma in it
and hence the title of the book, "The full circle" is very appropriate.
The book is a mixture of suspense, drama and romance.
Indeed one of my favourites now and I am sure you too will love it after reading it.

The novel is a short and sweet read filled with romance, drama, thrill, and mystery. It has been
offered beautifully which walks you through the love story of the protagonists Aditya and Zinnia.
The story keeps you on the edge. The characterization is very well done. Overall a good read.

P.S I love the part which talks about Karma as I am a karma believer.

Kreena Jain Blog

THE FULL CIRCLE by NAMRATA GUPTA is a very interesting book and every finishing page made
me want to read more and more. The plot was brilliant with a pinch of the law of Karma in it
and hence the title of the book, "The full circle" is very appropriate.
The book is a mixture of suspense, drama and romance.
Indeed one of my favourites now and I am sure you too will love it after reading it.

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